Monday, October 24, 2011

How do you change the air filter and spark plugs on a 2004 ford fiesta?

When i lift the bonnet on the car all i see is this large lump of plastic which i've got to asume hides the bitsHow do you change the air filter and spark plugs on a 2004 ford fiesta?buy a Haynes type manual - just the job for the novice .available at almost any car acc. shop .How do you change the air filter and spark plugs on a 2004 ford fiesta?Your right, the large lump of all-concealing plastic is common these days. Nevertheless, once it's out of the way it's actually very easy. I, too, would suggest you nip down to Halfords and get a Haynes manual while you're buying your new parts. It'll tell you how to do this job more sensibly than rewriting it all here, plus it'll be a help for virtually anything else you want to do in the future.How do you change the air filter and spark plugs on a 2004 ford fiesta?Dont just assume..

Now for your car you should be able to buy a maintenence book for your car.

Will explain how to do everything to do with your car.

Engine, electrics and all, steps and some diagrams.

I recommend you head over to a car store... (Supercheap, Repco etc.) and get yourself one!

Depending on your countryHow do you change the air filter and spark plugs on a 2004 ford fiesta?unclip the air filter housing and remove air filter and fit new one remove spark plug leads get spark plug spanner and remove spark plugsHow do you change the air filter and spark plugs on a 2004 ford fiesta?get the manual in the amount of explaining here will be as much use as the Haynes manual and you then have it for further reference. Best of luck.
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