Monday, October 24, 2011

2002 GMC Envoy spark plugs need instructions with picures on how to change them?

Also what tools are needed?2002 GMC Envoy spark plugs need instructions with picures on how to change them?an envoy has a 4.2 inline 6. remove the upper intake cover

then disconnect the coils and remove the 10 mm bolt

pull the coils out then you can use a 5/8 spark plug socket and extension to remove the plugs. the front one is a little tougher because of the wiring harness. then reinstall all, also need a screwdriver (flat blade) i guess it could also have a 5.3 v8. the instructions are for a inline 62002 GMC Envoy spark plugs need instructions with picures on how to change them?you dont need pictures just go buy a manual. what size motor does this envoy have? You going to need a 5/8 spark plug socket, an extention and a 3/8 ratchet plus a 10mmsocket.2002 GMC Envoy spark plugs need instructions with picures on how to change them?If you have to ask on something this basic, you best get some help from someone who knows. Screw up or cross thread the plug and you are talking major $$ to fix.